Apr 21, 2022 | consumer information, Motorcycles, motorcycles
By Jason Gilow If you’ve been in or around the motorcycle community, you’ve likely heard the statement that “loud pipes save lives.” You may have seen it on a tee-shirt, helmet sticker, or just spoken amongst riders. Due to the negative...
Apr 5, 2022 | consumer information, motorcycles, Motorcycles
Jason Gilow, our Sales Account Executive has been in the insurance industry for over seven years. He enjoys interacting with clients and helping them understand their coverage needs while guiding them through the process. He is an avid motorcycle enthusiast and lights...
Aug 26, 2019 | auto, Commercial, consumer information, contractors, motorcycles, Rent, small business, Truckers
This past weekend, the City of Chicopee hosted its annual Downtown Get Down with a great crowd in attendance. The family-friendly event hosted over eight bands, plenty of food and other vendors. Our booth was a hub of activity as attendees enjoyed games such as ring...